The UrbanOccupationsOETR_KWS_400_Occupational_titles_Manisa_dataset contains sample material extracted from the Ottoman population registers, NFS.d. 2865, 2866, 2867, from the Turkish Presidency State Archives of the Republic of Turkey, the Department of Ottoman Archives, belonging to the city of Manisa dated to Hijri Calendar, 29-12-1258 / the Gregorian Calendar, 31.01.1843.
We provide 400 occupational title images in two formats. The folder ‘occupational titles’ contains jpeg cuts for the entire individual information for the chosen individuals and labels for the 40 most observed occupations with 10 examples each. The folder ‘croppped_occupational_titles’ contain cropped images of just the occupational titles for the same 40 most observed with the same 10 examples each.
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