
The UrbanOccupationsOETR_Generalkarte_MapText_DCNN_dataset contains sample material for text detection and recognition from the Generalkarte (the 3rd Military Mapping Survey of Austria-Hungary) Map. We provided 53 annotated image tiles (1024×1024) divided into a separate training and validation folder. In all images, text regions and non-text regions are labeled.

If you would like to use the dataset below in further publication, please use the credentials specified below:

Yekta Said Can and M. Erdem Kabadayi, ‘Text Detection and Recognition by using CNNs in the Austro-Hungarian Historical Military Mapping Survey’, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP’21). 2021.

Please contact ycan@ku.edu.tr for questions regarding the DCNN dataset.