September 25, 2019

ENCHOS III – Third Meeting of the European Network for the Comparative History of Population Geography and Occupational Structure (1500-1900)

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to ENCHOS – III (www.campop.geog.cam.ac.uk/research/projects/internationaloccupations/enchpopgos/) and to its host institution, UrbanOccupationsOETR (urbanoccupations.ku.edu.tr/) at Koç University (https://www.ku.edu.tr/en/)  in Istanbul.

ENCHOS – III workshop will include sessions over three days from the afternoon of September 27 to lunchtime on 29, 2019.

Please contact Efe Erünal (eerunal17@ku.edu.tr), the local admin for the workshop, if you have any questions or any other requests.