‘UrbanOccupationsOETR_1844/45 Bursa Region Temettuat Agricultural Production Dataset’  is constructed first by manual data entry from the Ottoman temettuat registers (available at the Turkish Presidency State Archives of the Republic of Turkey – Department of Ottoman Archives, (ML. VRD. TMT. d.) collection) into our customized relational database and then by making a selection available in spreadsheet format.

Our team located, curated, and extracted agricultural production data for a total of 81 geosampled villages from the Bursa region for 1844/45. We coded both agricultural production areas as well as product type using the Corine Land Cover nomenclature (CLC2018, https://land.copernicus.eu/user-corner/technical-library/corine-land-cover-nomenclature-guidelines/html) and made available only the category, ‘2.1.1 Non-irrigated arable land’ (https://land.copernicus.eu/user-corner/technical-library/corine-land-cover-nomenclature-guidelines/html/index-clc-211.html), as a proxy for grain production.
02122020-A5_Total count of agricultural entries CLC 2.1.1 coded, qualified (dönüm and convertible) and quantified (numerical value)
provides data on the cultivated area in square meters of 4,657 units, belonging to 3,019 producers, of 2,892 households, in 81 villages.
02122020_T6_Total count of tithe tax entries CLC 2.1.1 coded, qualified (kile and convertible), and quantified (numerical value)
provides data on production volumes in kgs of 4,516 units, belonging to 1,924 producers, of 1,873 households, in 70 villages.

Please cite the below paper in your publications if you use the dataset:

Ustaoglu, Eda, M. Erdem Kabadayı, and Petrus Johannes Gerrits, ‘The Estimation of Non-Irrigated Crop Area and Production Using the Regression Analysis Approach: A Case Study of Bursa Region (Turkey) in the Mid-Nineteenth Century’, PLOS ONE 16, no. 4 (30 April 2021): e0251091, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0251091.